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    • Welcome to Nongmaotong!
      Pingliang Jingde Trading Co., Ltd
      Home Supplier Pingliang Jingde Trading Co., Ltd Supplier product Product detail

      Product name:potato

      Unit Price:$2.50-3.10


      Product detail

      Colored potatoes come in purple, red, black, yellow potatoes, colorful potatoes, etc. China has cultivated colored high-quality potatoes mainly purple and red, crossed old purple and red potato varieties with excellent high-yield potato varieties, and improved and screened more than 100 colored potatoes of different strains. Compared with the old varieties, the improved colored potato sprouts have small eyes, good appearance, strong disease resistance, and the mu yield can reach 1000 to 1500 kg. Colourful potatoes can also be developed as a specialty food. Due to their antioxidant content, colored potato chips retain their natural color after being fried at high temperatures. In addition, purple potatoes are not sensitive to light, and fried potato chips can maintain their primary color for a long time.

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